• Genealogy Resources
    • List of Good Genealogy Sites
    • Genealogical Relationships:
      • First cousin is your parent's brother's (or sister's) child. However, the first cousin's child is not your second cousin, as is often thought to be the case, but your first cousin once removed.
      • The child of the first cousin once removed is your first cousin twice removed, and his child your first cousin three times removed.
      • Second cousin is your grandparent's brother's (or sister's) grandchild. That second cousin's child is your second cousin once removed, his child your second cousin twice removed, and so on.
      • Third cousin is your great-grandparent's brother's (or sister's) great-grandchild. The third cousin's child is your third cousin once removed, his child your third cousin twice removed.
      • Siblings have parents in common. Brothers and sisters are siblings.
      • Grandnephew (or grandniece) is the grandchild of your brother or sister.
      • Great-aunt (or Great-uncle) is the sister or brother of your grandparent.
      • Great-grandaunt (or Grand-uncle) is the sister and brother of your great grandparents.
      • Stepfather/stepmother is the spouse of your mother or father by a subsequent marriage.
      • Stepchild is the child of your spouse by a former marriage.
      • Stepsister or stepbrother is the child of your stepmother or stepfather.
      • Half sister or half brother is the child of your mother and stepfather or of your father and stepmother, or of either parent by a previous marriage.
      • In-law is your connection by the law of marriage (as distinct from relatives by blood) in particular, your husband's or wife's relative and your own brother's wife or sister's husband.
      • Ancestor is the person from whom you descend directly, such as a grandparent or great-grandparent.
      • Descendent is the person who descends directly from you such as a grandson or great granddaughter.
      • Lineal relations are those in direct line of ascent or descent, such as a grandfather or granddaughter.
      • Collateral relations are those relatives who are linked by a common ancestor, such as aunts, uncles, and cousins.
    • List of Other Links

  • Preparing Names for the Temple


by Joseph A Pergler (